This page contains Examination Documents for the Draft South London Waste Plan examination-in-public.

Examination Document from the Inspectors

INSP01 - Preliminary Matters

INSP02 – Guidance Notes 

INSP03 – Matters, Issues and Questions 

INSP04 – Provisional Hearing Programme

INSP04a - Revised Provisional Hearing Programme 

INSP05  NPPF note

INSP06 - Inspectors Closing Remarks from Hearings

INSP07 - Inspectors' Post-hearings Letter

INSP08 - Inspectors’ Note on the Main Modifications

Examination Documents from the local authorities 

SWLP01 - Response to Preliminary Matters

SLWP02a - Schedule of Main Modifications (5th March 2021)

SLWP02b - Schedule of Main Modifications (16th July 2021)

SLWP03a - Schedule of Additional Modifications (5th March 2021)

SLWP03b - Schedule of Additional Modifications (16th July 2021)

SLWP04 - Emails of Slough Council

SLWP05 - SoCG with Central and East Berkshire

SLWP06 - SA on Main Modifications

SLWP07 - Updated Plan Appendix 2

SLWP08 - Kingston LDS (2021)

SLWP09 - Sutton LDS (2021)

SLWP10 - Beddington Restoration Management Plan (2015)

SLWP11 - London Plan Topic Paper on Waste (2018)

SLWP12 - London Plan Waste Forecasts + Apportionments (SLP) 

SLWP13 - UK Waste Sector COVID-19 Response and Resilience Report (2020)

SLWP14 - SLWP Response to Inspectors' Note INSP05

SLWP15 - Statement of Common Ground with the Mayor of London

SLWP16 - Waste Authority Monitoring Report

SLWP17 - Statement of Common Ground with the Wimbledon Park Residents Association 

Examination Documents from participants

OTH01 - Updated Opinion of Conformity with the 2021 London Plan from the Mayor of London

OTH02 - Wimbledon Park RA Response to Inspectors' Note INSP05

OTH03 - Updated Letter of Conformity with the 2021 London Plan from the Major of London