Types of schools and nurseries in Sutton
We have different types of schools in Sutton. You can see them listed below.
Community schools
- are owned and maintained by us
- we set the admissions criteria
- they follow the national curriculum
- they are not influenced by business or religious groups
- are run by a governing body
- are independent from the local council
- they can follow a different curriculum
Voluntary aided church schools (also called faith schools)
- are associated with a particular religion
- they follow the national curriculum except for religious studies
- they can teach only about their own religion
- the governing body sets the admissions policy
- their admissions rules give priority to members of the schools religion
Foundation schools
- are maintained by us
- their governing bodies own the school buildings and sites
- they are responsible for admissions and set their own admissions policy
are partnerships between schools in Sutton
When children can attend our schools
All children in England between the ages of 4 and 16 are entitled to a free place at a state school.
Free early education
From the age of 3, all children are entitled to free early education. From the age of 2, some children may be entitled to free childcare and early education.
Find out more and check who's eligible for childcare.
Age ranges
There are a variety of schools within the borough, including:
- nursery schools
- infant schools
- junior schools
- primary schools
- secondary schools
Age | Type of school |
3 to 5 years old | Nursery schools and nursery classes within infant and primary schools |
4 to 7 years old | Infant school |
7 to 11 years old | Junior school |
4 to 11 years old | Primary school |
11 to 18 years old | Secondary school |
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