The Adult Social Care precept allows Councils that provide Social Care to adults to increase their share of Council Tax by up to an extra 2%.
The income generated from this charge is ring-fenced, meaning it can only be used for Adult Social Care services. Adult Social Care services support some of the most vulnerable members of our communities, largely supporting those in old age and adults with disabilities.
The Government has said that this precept must be shown as a separate charge on all Council Tax bills.
The Adult Social Care (ASC) precept has had to be shown as a cumulative figure on the Council Tax bill since it was introduced.
The percentage increase allowed for 2024-25 is 2% of Sutton’s 2023-24 Council Tax bill (not including the GLA precept).
For example, a band D property:
- 2023-2024 GLA precept = £434.14
- 2023-2024 Sutton charge = £1614.24 x 2.0% = £32.28
- 2023-2024 Sutton Total for Band D = £2048.38
The £32.28 is then added to the previous years cumulative amounts for ASC:
- 2016-17 (£23.27)
- 2017-18 (£24.20), cumulative total £47.47
- 2018-19 (£25.17), cumulative total £72.64
- 2019-20 (£26.17), cumulative total £98.81
- 2020-21 (£27.47), cumulative total £126.28
- 2021-22 (£42.86), cumulative total £169.14
- 2022-23 (£14.91), cumulative total £184.05
- 2023-24 (£30.75), cumulative total £214.80
- 2024-25 (£32.28), cumulative total £247.08
Although the amount on the bill shows a change from £214.80 to £247.08 (a change of £32.28) and what appears to be 15.03%, the actual increase is only 2%, or £32.28.