Become an Emergency Centre Officer
There are 3 main types of emergency centres that may be set up during an emergency.
Rest Centre
This is set up by the Council. The centre provides support for those who have had to evacuate from their homes:
- temporary accommodation
- information
- support and
- refreshments
Survivor Reception Centre
This is set up by the Police. It is for survivors of an emergency who don't need hospital care. They are provided with shelter and first aid. The police will then undertake initial information and evidence gathering and hold interviews.
Family and Friends Reception Centre
This is set up by the Police. Friends and family can get information about loved ones who may have been involved in the incident. This links to the Casualty Bureau set up by the Police.
Apply to be a volunteer
We are always looking for more volunteers to become Emergency Centre Officers.
Register your interest in becoming a volunteer.
If you apply, you may be asked to support in a Rest Centre, Survivor Reception Centre or Family and Friends Reception Centre during an incident. The tasks that you may be asked to do include:
- staffing the front door and / or the reception desk
- undertaking reception and registration of evacuees
- helping with any practical concerns that evacuees may have
- provision of administration within the centre
- providing advice, assistance and emotional support to evacuees
All volunteers will receive training and will need to attend a briefing sessions each year. You'll also be take part in practice exercises.
Register with a Voluntary Organisation
There are many voluntary organisations that provide support during major emergencies. They also have lots of volunteering opportunities available:
British Red Cross
You can:
- become a Community Reserve or Emergency Response Volunteer with the British Red Cross, or
- have a look at their other volunteer roles with the Red Cross
Salvation Army
Visit the Salvation Army website to find out:
- how they provides support during emergencies, and
- their volunteering opportunities
St John's Ambulance
Visit the St John's Ambulance website to find out:
- how they provides support during emergencies, and
- St John Ambulance volunteering opportunities
Royal Volunteer Service
Find out about volunteering opportunities with the Royal Volunteer Service.
Volunteering your community group during an emergency
If your community group would like to get involved during emergencies, we would love to hear from you. You could supporting agencies and affected communities in a time of crisis.
Your community group could be:
- a voluntary organisation
- faith group
- residents or traders association
- local charity
Complete our Voluntary and Faith Sector Engagement Questionnaire, and we will be in touch to discuss this with you further.