EU citizens are now no longer automatically entitled to register to vote, vote or stand for election in local elections in England.
Two groups of EU citizens will retain their rights:
‘qualifying EU citizens’ from countries with reciprocal agreements, and who have leave, or do not require it, to remain in the UK - currently Denmark, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Spain
‘EU citizens with retained rights’ who were resident in the UK before 31 December 2020
This does not affect the rights of citizens from Cyprus, Ireland or Malta as these countries are also in the Commonwealth
The franchise amendment for EU citizens is a change in registration eligibility for EU citizens currently residing in the UK.
Following the UK’s departure from the European Union on 31 December 2020 the way in which EU citizens register to vote has changed and new requirements have been introduced.
This will mean that in order to vote or to stand in local government elections and Police and Crime Commissioner elections after this date an EU citizen will be required to be:
a qualifying EU citizen, or
an EU citizen with retained rights
Further information on these changes can be found on the Electoral Commission website.