Sutton Central by-election
A by-election will take place on Thursday 10 April 2025 to elect a new local councillor in Sutton Central.
In the UK, most gambling activities are regulated under the Gambling Act 2005.
Licences are required by anyone arranging any of the following activities:
Making or accepting a bet on:
Includes both cash and prize bingo.
Games of chance involving playing or staking against a bank.
Low stake and prize gambling where the size of the prize is not determined by the number of persons playing. For example, certain types of bingo.
This includes gaming machines in pubs and private members' clubs.
Where people are required to pay in order to take part in an arrangement, during the course of which one or more prizes are allocated by a process which relies wholly on chance.
The National Lottery and spread betting are regulated under other laws. Various types of non-commercial gambling are also excepted from these regulations as long as they meet certain criteria.
Sutton acting as the Licensing Authority is responsible for licensing premises where gambling takes place but is not the main activity. For example, gaming machines in pubs.
The Gambling Commission are responsible for licensing operators and individuals involved in providing gambling and betting facilities.
Under the Gambling Act 2005, licensing authorities are required to publish a Statement of Policy and Principles. This statement sets out the general approach to the making of licensing decisions.
The Council has adopted a no casino policy which is included in the statement of policy and principles.
We have published a Local Area Profile highlighting the key characteristics for consideration by operators when completing applications and their local area risk assessments.
There are 3 licensing objectives that underpin the Gambling Act. All applications must be determined to ensure the objectives are upheld.
The objectives are:
Gambling Act applications must be served on the responsible authorities. These bodies, together with members of the public, can make a representation or objection to your application.
Applications for new premises licences or variations to existing premises licences are open for a period of public consultation.
We will write to persons within the vicinity (defined within our Statement of Policy) and provide the details of the application. You will then have the opportunity to make a representation to the application. This can be in favour of the application or in objection to the application.
If you wish to make a representation in objection to the application, you must ensure that your representation relates directly to one or more of the Licensing Objectives. Objections based on moral objections to gambling, planning concerns, or issues such as parking cannot be accepted.
When objections are received, a hearing will be held to determine the outcome of the application. You will be invited to attend the hearing to verbally support your views.
Hearings are held on our premises during the day and are attended by 3 elected members of the Council known as a Sub Committee.
You may choose to be supported at the hearing by a representative who may be your local ward councillor, legal representative or anyone who will speak on your behalf.
A responsible authority or an interested party may apply to review a premises licence.
You will need to submit an application form to the Licensing Authority. You should include the reasons why you're requesting a review and any supporting information or documents.
The Gambling Commission and Licensing Authorities have statutory responsibilities for gambling premises in their area.
They will use their powers to ensure that licensed premises operate in accordance with the law and any conditions attached to their licence(s). However, there may be occasions when concerns exist over the operation of premises which can't be resolved through mediation or enforcement.
In those situations, a responsible authority or an interested party may request that a licence is reviewed.
If you would like to apply for a review of a gambling premises licence, contact the Licensing Team.
You can find the fees payable for gambling licences and permits on our fees page.
The Gambling Commission public register holds the details of all operating licence holders, personal licence holders and premises licences.
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