Support to live at home
Care, equipment, Meals on Wheels and other support to help you live independently and safely in your own home
Care services in your home
How to arrange extra help at home from a paid carer, if you’re having difficulty with daily tasks
Equipment and home adaptations (occupational therapy)
Explore practical options if you struggle with daily tasks in the home
Care technology and telecare
Find out about technology and devices that can help to keep you safe at home
Meals, food shopping and food banks
Get Meals on Wheels, get help with food shopping, or find a food bank
Help with walking and mobility
Get support if you’re having difficulty walking, getting around or falling
Reablement help at home (START)
Short term care and therapy if you've left hospital or had a change in circumstances
Making your home safe
Get help and advice on safety risks such as fire, scammers, clutter, pests and mould.