Elm Grove Estate Regeneration

A Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) is a legal tool which councils can use to acquire land or property to allow building development, regeneration and infrastructure projects to progress that are in the public interest.  

CPO for Elm Grove Estate Regeneration - March 2024

We have now made a Compulsory Purchase Order to move the Elm Grove Estate Regeneration Programme to the next stage. Copies of the relevant CPO documents are provided below.

The CPO includes powers to acquire all land within the CPO boundary which the Council does not currently own and/or control.

Negotiations still continuing

Compulsory purchase powers will only be used to acquire land or property required for the regeneration as a last resort if current negotiations are not successful, and we will always try to acquire by agreement wherever we can.

We have been seeking to secure the land required through negotiations with all affected parties. These negotiations will continue for any interests not currently acquired, even though we have made the CPO. 

If, however, terms cannot be agreed with all parties within a reasonable timescale, we will seek to implement the CPO if confirmed by The Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, to ensure that the Elm Grove scheme is delivered on time.

We will continue to negotiate and communicate with the affected parties throughout the compulsory purchase process.

View CPO documents

The CPO and documents relating to the CPO can be accessed and viewed on the following links:

Request an accessible format

If you need a version of these documents in a more accessible format, email webteam@kingston.gov.uk and tell us what format you need.

View in person

You can view copies in person between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday (except for bank holidays) at:

London Borough of Sutton

Civic Offices

St Nicholas Way



Making objections

Any objection to the CPO must be made by 10 May 2024 in writing to: 

  • email: pcu@levellingup.gov.uk

  • letter: The Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, National Planning Casework Unit, 23 Stephenson Street, Birmingham B2 4BH

Objections should state the title of the relevant Order, the grounds of objection and the objector's address and interests in the land. 

More about the CPO process

For further information on how and why Compulsory Purchase Orders are made, you can read the Government’s guidance on the Compulsory Purchase procedure.

For any queries about the CPO or the regeneration plans, please email Michael Hunte, Housing Regeneration Manager, at michael.hunte@sutton.gov.uk.